劇情短片《乒乓之 ♡ Ping Pong Heartbeats》Teaser – FESCH.TV

劇情短片《乒乓之 ♡ Ping Pong Heartbeats》Teaser & FESCH.TV:

Directed by Gigi Lau, 2024

Tier 2 Work of 11th Microfilm Production Support Scheme (Music)
Full length:

簡介 Synopsis:
在以乒乓為題的時裝拍攝中,女攝影師一方面捕捉模特兒的美貌,另一方面受前來協助拍攝的編舞吸引。兩名男子呈現截然不同的感覺,天真純潔與成熟深沉的靈魂形成對比。她的完美模特離開後,縈繞在攝影師心頭的,是未知那位並肩而行,對藝術抱有同樣熱情的編舞會否對她 ——一位女性感興趣。

In a fashion shoot themed around ping pong, a female photographer captures the beauty of a male model while being drawn to the choreographer assisting in the shoot. The two men embody starkly different vibes, with the model exuding innocence and purity, while the choreographer emanates a mature and profound soul. As the perfect model departs, the lingering question in the photographer’s mind is whether the choreographer, walking side by side with her and sharing a passion for art, would have an interest in her as a woman.

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