012 Jesus explains FROM NOW TO ARMAGEDDON and Beyond!.mp4


LAST DAYS 012 Jesus explains FROM NOW TO ARMAGEDDON and Beyond!
Today, the world is living in the “last days”, also known as the
“time of the end” – a time when my Word says knowledge shall increase and many shall run to and fro – a day of fast travel, fast communication and fast lifestyles.
Soon, unprecedented global events will unfold that will force the nations of the world to accept the New World Order with its 10 “king” governing council. This governing council will rule over all the dictatorships and democracies of the world.
After the 10 “kings”, another “little horn” king will arise who will subdue 3 of the first 10 kings, until all 10 kings agree to give their allegiance to him as the supreme leader of the New World Order. This figure will become the Satan-possessed “Antichrist”.
And then this new “king” shall confirm a covenant with many for 7 years – 2,520 days. The Jews will rebuild their temple in Jerusalem and begin their “daily sacrifice”. The temple which John saw in his vision is this future temple on earth.
Near the middle of the 7 years, the New World Leader is killed by a head wound. Satan makes war in heaven, loses, is cast down to earth and possesses the slain body of the One World Leader to become “the Antichrist”, also called “the beast”.
In the middle of the 7 years, the Antichrist invades Jerusalem, stops the daily sacrifice, and sits in the temple “as God”. The world makes an image of the beast, and the Antichrist demands that everyone worship the image and receive his 666mark in their right hand or forehead. Without it, no-one can buy or sell. Refusal to comply means the death penalty. Those receiving the 666mark will face the wrath of God!
That’s when great global troubles begin (the great tribulation),
including world-wide persecution of all faiths, for three-and-a
half years – 42 months, or 1,260 days. That’s when those who
know me shall be strong and do exploits, and shall instruct many.
That’s when God uses Satan’s wrath to carry out God’s judgement! That’s when the 7 trumps of tribulation sound – during the great tribulation – a time of great trouble like the world has ever known before, or will ever know!
Immediately after those days of tribulation, I will suddenly appear in the clouds on the “last day”; the day of resurrection – commonly called the Rapture! This is when I will take my bride to the far end of heaven for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
And then, for 30 days God’s vials of wrath will be poured out upon earth while the marriage supper of the lamb takes place in heaven. The 6th vial of God’s wrath dries up the river Euphrates to prepare the way for the battle of Armageddon to follow.
And then, I will return to earth with the armies of heaven for the 45 day battle of Armageddon, to cut short those days of great trouble by defeating the Antichrist and his forces, and to cast Satan into the bottomless pit for a thousand years!
At the end of the battle of Armageddon, a “blessed”, “saved flesh” “remnant of Israel” shall finally believe on me – a remnant who did not worship the image of the beast, nor receive his 666mark; these are my first-fruits who will form the 12 tribes of Israel for my thousand-year reign on earth.
COME! Be a part of my Kingdom of Love that shall be forever!
Simply and sincerely pray, “Yes Jesus, I believe that you died for my sins. Please forgive me and come and live in my heart, and fill me with your Holy Spirit, and change my life for the better, and prepare me for all that is ahead – In Jesus name, Amen!”
Jesus explains … more
000 Jesus explains … An Introduction
001 Jesus explains … 2018 – and beyond!
002 Jesus explains … Prophecy Today!
003 Jesus explains … The Endtime Prophecy Series!
004 Jesus explains … The Endtime Jigsaw!
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006 Jesus explains … My Bride in Tribulation!
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008 Jesus explains … The DAY and HOUR of My Return!
009 Jesus explains … The 2,300 Days of Dan8:13-14
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011 Jesus explains … My Two Endtime Witnesses! – Rev11:3-13
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And many, many, many more …

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