10 Setting up a haul road network and assigning nodes on EPS
The theme for the remainder of September is on estimating the haulage requirements for your schedules using EPS. The haulage analysis on PES can be performed in two modes:
1. Calculating the haulage distances (ton kilometres) for each task as a property; and
2. Calculating the number of haulage resources that need to be assigned to each task to maintain the production rate.
The starting point of the haulage analysis on EPS involves defining the road/travel network. A road network is made up of connected segments that links the tasks (mining blocks) and the different haulage destinations (plants/waste dumps/stockpiles). Once defined, EPS then uses the shortest path algorithm between tasks and destinations. The shortest time route will usually coincide with the shortest path route to ensure that the cycle times and truck hours are optimised.
This video highlights the steps involved in defining the haul road network and assigning it to the tasks.
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