3 Lekh Lekha 2021 Zoom.mp4



This week, in Torah portion Lekh Lekha found in Genesis 12:1-17:27, Abram and Sarai travel to Canaan. Due to a famine in the land they temporarily relocate to Egypt, where Pharaoh unsuccessfully attempts to add Sarai to his harem. They return to Canaan with great wealth and Abram parts with his nephew Lot who moves on to Sodom. Abram defeats the armies of the four kings who had taken his nephew Lot hostage. God seals a pact with Abram, bequeathing the lands of Canaan to his descendants. Childless Abram, who’s been waiting to have a son for more than a decade, marries Hagar on Sarai’s advice, and Hagar gives birth to Ishmael. God changes Abram’s name to Abraham, and Sarai becomes Sarah. Abraham is circumcised at the age of 99.

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