Coded Biohilia – FESCH.TV


Directed by Giulia Tomasello
Soundtrack ‘Enjoy the Void’ by Emme
Download the track at
Typeface ‘Sandokan’ by Tauras Stalnionis

Technology is getting closer and closer to our skin.

What we wear today will soon be forgotten and replaced with biological technologies, that are not only changing and challenging the way we consume and experience design and fashion, but also how we relate to and work with nature instead of against it.

As we tumble towards bio collapse, we have a responsibility to create a space for dialogue and a framework for reflection to inspire innovation, we have the opportunity to re-think the relationship between technology, art and society.

The latest progressions in biotechnology utilise this methodology by promoting Do It Yourself Biology (DIYbio). DIYbio challenges the limits of biotechnologies by democratising education through open systems.
When designing ‘Future Flora’ in 2016, I imagined a future where women were able to harvest bacteria at home in order to prevent vaginal infections, thus becoming participants in the knowledge and culture of science. In this imagined future women are completely in charge of their own bodies.

Considering Biophilia as an affinity to anything living, we must question future implications, consequences, our environmental impact as we work towards some type of utopia. But what design should do – starting now – is demand a shift of the entire material production system by co-designing with nature and living organisms.

Dynamic wearables will be the foundation for future living, allowing us to integrate microbiology in ways that we never have before.

Text by Giulia Tomasello from chapter ‘Coding the Future, Textiles and Biology in Symbiosis’ The Slow Grind book by the Laundry Arts, London. UK

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