How uch affection is needed to ake a t-shirt? (Video 1) – FESCH.TV


2021 | Various media. Performance by Gin Bahc and Jürgen Oschwald as a live stream from E-Werk Freiburg

In this performance, a clay T-shirt is made. An environmentally friendly T-shirt is made just for me from 20 kg of earth. This has a different weight and meaning than t-shirts from the fashion store. This t-shirt is very heavy on my little body. It cannot be attracted to me alone. The help of others is absolutely necessary to put on the eco-friendly T-shirt. There is affection in the act of giving and receiving such help. However, power structures and violence inevitably coexist with affection. As an aid, affection freely crosses the boundaries between intent and unintentional, consciously and unconsciously, and comes out in various forms (including negative ones).

T-shirt construction: Method 1 / made by nice friends
In the studio, my friends make the t-shirt for me. They never get mad, sweat and work hard for me. I just lie down, sit down, or stand up with my bare chest when they kindly ask me to.

T-shirt construction: Method 2 / Made by the bad guy
In the parking lot, the bad guy insults me and makes a T-shirt. The villain is using violence against me. He’s mad at me all the time, bragging about his power and verbally abusing me. The other people next to it don’t care at all. The bad guy is bad, but he still roughly makes a shirt for me.

Go to the riverside wash
An eco-friendly clay t-shirt, regardless of the method used, is very difficult to make. But after a long time the human body can no longer support the clay weight. It crumbles and falls to the ground. Alone I take the crumbling t-shirt to the river bank and wash it. I wash the t-shirt until the material is completely mixed with water and dissolved.

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