TACOS with Jay and Jeff Featuring Cat Gagliardo – FESCH.TV


Cat Gagliardo from Branded By Cat, affiliated with HALO, started her marketing career on the Home Shopping Network (HSN). She has, in her own words, „made a few television appearances!“ Cat helped launch fashion and beauty brands on HSN. Those experiences led to her start designing drinkware and tech products for the Koozie group (formerly BIC Graphics) and eventually to starting her own business. You can hear Cat’s story about selling thousands of Mary Poppins replica umbrellas thanks to her connections at HSN and Jeff at AAA Innovations. Listen and learn as Cat shares a few epic campaigns using modern, memorable merch and what she did during her pandemic downtime to help her sales soar to over 300% growth so far this year from 2020.  

Cat loves Numo and says, „NUMO is my jam!“ She believes that what makes her unique is „delivering creative experiences by using memorable merchandise.“ She also LOVES our TACOS with Jay and Jeff seasoning provider, Le Tour de Spice, and Rustico. 

GET YOUR TACO SEASONING! Now you can spice it up at home! We want you to have TACOS with Jay and Jeff spices courtesy of our friends at Le Tour de Spice. There is no catch. Complete this form, and we’ll send your TACOS seasoning and spice samples with creative brand messaging:  

#MemorableMerch #RetailInspired #branding

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