ITNS Pods in High Capacity City


Dr. J Edward Anderson, Ph.D. In Aeronautics and Astronautics 

The Problems to be Addressed
Increasingly intolerable congestion.
The use of oil in transportation. ―The era of cheap oil is over.‖6
Air pollution and its effects on the local and global climate.
High cost of conventional transportation.
Many people killed or injured in auto accidents.
People who cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive – the lack of equity. The lack of a serious alternative to the auto.
Excessive land use for roads and parking.
Excessive energy use in transportation.
Road rage
Excessive sprawl
These problems have been well documented many times in many places, some of which are summarized in the Section 1.
4. Over-All Requirements of the New System
A great deal of research and development work has been conducted on new forms of pub- lic transportation that has led to our current understanding of requirements. Deep understanding of the problems given in Section 3 has led us to the following list of over-all requirements. Lat- er, additional requirements of subsystems are derived from the over-all system requirements.
Sufficiently attractive that the fraction of trips taken by transit is increased up to at least 25% of the total travel. The main requirement is that the trip time for the passenger in 25% of the cases is less than possible by automobile, which implies competitive operat- ing speeds. Select the cruising speed to minimize cost per passenger per unit of distance. Consider that turn radii, stopping distance, kinetic energy, and the energy needed to over- come air drag all increase as the square of speed; and that energy use also depends on streamlining, low road resistance, and propulsion efficiency. Consider that the maximum operational speed for acceptable ride comfort is proportional to the guideway natural fre- quency, which depends on guideway stiffness and the type of support.7
Other subsidiary requirements related to personal security, comfort, and accessibility.
As efficient as practical in operation, using renewable energy sources whenever practical. This leads to the requirement that the system be powered by electricity.
Sufficiently low in air and noise pollution that it will be acceptable in residential areas. Low enough in cost to recover all costs from passengers, freight, and other revenue sources.

Mun Ink Corp

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