What is an embassy? What is a consulate? That’s what’s on my mind this morning among at least ten other subjects. Yesterday’s commemorative ceremonies inside the Capitol and candlelight vigil on the Capitol steps of the January 6th 2020 insurrection by the highly grieved White Supremacist for the old America – take back our country, stop the steal of the 2020 elections, revealed a catastrophic reality at those ceremonies but the fact that NOT a single Republican were there, excepting congresswoman Liz Cheney and her father ex-Vice-president Dick Cheney. In other words, the entire Republican party was absent, the reasonable and the unreasonable, everyone betting on winning the next elections by putting all their efforts into that White Supremacist voter who wants to return to the old America, the non-diverse America that never really existed at all because everyone’s heritage is either European, South American, Asian or African. The original Indian millions irrelevant.
We are spinning wildly into another civil war that may not be as bloody as the one in the 1860s but nevertheless so partisan, so divided, so angry, so polarized and so that the degenerative distress of it could drive an old man like me back to my roots in Northern Europe. That’s why I need to know embassy from consulate, and find out the particulars about re-immigrating to Denmark, how to apply, how much it costs to get a permanent residence visa for the remaining years of my life.
Though the Republican, the conservative, the Christian whatever, and the angry Supremacist are a 40% minority voting block, they are successfully legislating laws & rules to make voting so difficult for enough of the majority American voter, whether Independent White or Colored or Immigrant, that they can win control of government in the majority of the States and especially of one of the chambers of the Federal government. That is a supreme threat to both sides of this apparently fragile and supposedly democratic society known as America, which is also the supposed contrasting form of government from Socialist, Communist and Authoritarian.
I live here. I am inside my socialist bubble. I am not alone in there although, as you might not know as a visitor or new immigrant, it is fiercely driven by capitalist money & power. At the same time it is very innovative industrially, very energetic commercially, and very creative artistically. Its language and its culture dominates all 195 countries of planet Earth. It is the largest economy though challenged by China at that #1 spot by 2040. It is a large country in both population and geographical size – it ranks either 3rd or 4th in both.
It is 3000 miles [4800km] wide and approximately 1500 miles [2400km] high, with a very diverse population, very diverse climate, very diverse topographics. It is rich in resources, rich soil, minerals and fossil fuel. I would never never have missed the adventure, however turbulent, that America has and is for me. My expectations are/were spoiled by the relative homogenous and peaceful society of Scandinavia. And America for me, as for countless others, has inspired and energized me to be the best me I can be, artistically and personally.
So, in conclusion, hah hah, maybe I, within three months of my 89th year, am losing some of my courage at the immoral spirituality and vicious money-dominated underside of America. I don’t think I will be making that trip to either consulate or embassy, whichever handles travel & permanent residential visas, until the results of the 2022 mid-term elections. Oh my God, that is not very far away. It is going to get ugly! No question about that. Really really wild. The minority and richer against the majority and poorer, the titans of industry versus the workers, capitalist greed versus socialist commonality, the status quo challenged to the constantly stale-mate polarity, and to the death of, or the urgent birth of voting rights and equal justice for all.
Stay tuned if you can handle the distress.
Fearful and Lovingly yours Jan.

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