Kingin Lord Basilisk – Starvation (Official Music Video) – FESCH.TV



Verse 1:
Crush your core
Hydrophilic reaction
No satisfaction
Lack of co-action
Feed the rich, starve the poor
Stomach turn and then roar /

Eating itself
Living in hell
When end? No tell
Dry is the well /

How many millions must die before we can create sustainable
systems that keep children nourished, allow them to flourish
and not feel so worthless? /

When will the death stop?
And can we call it that,
When life had no chance?
Tripped from the dance /

Kept from potential
Deprived from essential
Contrived referential
My hands they do tremble /

„Oh, I’m so fucking hungry. . .“/

As if they were murdered while bridges are burning, the gears they
are turning
The cogs they are learning
I know, there is enough to go around
Let’s snatch and grab, ya go to town
Below, there is a sudden rumble sound
Let’s hatch a plan to let it pound /

It pounds and it rolls,
This shit getting old,
Waiting for the end of the month
One more day I can eat some lunch
Wild Bunch and Straw Dogs
I’m so hungry I’d eat a frog
The pit in my stomach a bog
It’s acidic and there’s fog /

I need to know right now, do they have food at the shelter?
Because I haven’t ate in so long I’m weak and can’t think
And my lips are unusually pink, I need a bottle of milk like I’m Link
In this quicksand I’m starting to sink and one more move and I’m getting stuck /

Verse 2:

Millions starve each year
If that don’t have you in fear
Well, I don’t know what your priorities are
But on this third one from the star
We have the concept of humanity
Academically a fantasy, if we let the weakest of us need /

All the greed it conspires to hoard the nutrients, losing it since
I haven’t ate in so long I can feel the life inside starting to fade
Oh God, will I live another day? /

Issue as old as time itself
Tissue constricts when no food in mouth
We do our best but it isn’t enough
As if there is no one at all left to trust
We are left to beg „please sir, can I have some more?
The mind it does fade while we leave ourselves sore /

As the privileged eat McDonald’s and bump Uncle Tom
Rapping bad lyrics about how we are wrong
The poor and the weak are starving
Hardly a day goes by where they don’t struggle to get by
So while you talk about how anti-woke you are
There they are, they continue to starve /

Your hands wrapped around political stances like it’s fashion
Having fake heads say it’s passion
Forgot about Kool G Rap referencing his ribs
As him and his moms did struggle to live
The history repeats but you don’t respect anyway
So let them starve, while you push it all away
While you push it all away /

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