Ask Lucca Live Replay – Episode 97 on Feb 26


Lucca Hallex channels live in Vancouver, Canada. She takes questions by request ahead of time and psychically channels answers to them, from a combination of her guides and those of the participants, during the 30-min session. You can follow her on Facebook and request to join the Ask Lucca Live group to stay up to date with announcements and posts during the week. Live recordings take place on Saturdays at 1:30pm Pacific time.

A deep and profound thank you to my Edge-dwelling Community on Patreon for their assistance in supporting these live forums.

Below are a few of the morsels from this episode. Perhaps there are one or more that really speak to you: 
• combatting hate using love
• the power of focusing on love and what is going well
• dreams are the language of intuition
• what’s ahead in a birth year
• trusting your ‘knowing’ around your pet/animal friend
• designing your home is designing your life
• assessing travel risk
• finding win-win in shared parenting

Danielle Laporte’s Truthbomb card this week: the solution is here


Previous episodes are on YouTube (Eps 4-37) and on Vimeo (Eps 38 onwards). These are great for sharing with people who have not joined the Ask Lucca Live group or who are not on FB. The recordings are generously supported by those of you who are Patrons in our Edge-dwelling Community on Patreon.

Mailing list…

If you’d like to be on my mailing list or update your preferences, please drop ‚Mailing list‘ in the comments here or send me a message through my web site: powersourcerer(dot)com

BIZ – Lucca’s Laser Beam…

Also, If you’d like to participate in Lucca’s Laser Beam (using your intuition in your work life), drop ‚laser beam‘ in the comments so I can get you more info and/or register you. Our next group will be online on Thursday Mar 3rd, 2022, from 11:30am-12:15pm Pacific. You can find them monthly on the 1st and 3rd Thursday.

Announcing my Patreon Edge-dwellers group…

The Patreon platform provides an opportunity to join a community of like minded and like-hearted souls while supporting my creative and curious process – as I create new materials and processes for YOU, my community of Edge-dwellers. See my website or the Ask Lucca Live group for the link or click here:

It is my great pleasure to provide these readings as a service to my on-line community during the pandemic.

And remember… you too can speak intuition!

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