SATS Ltd. | Shaping the Future


FY22 was the year we saw recovery in the aviation sector amid continued macroeconomic volatility and uncertainty. Travel started taking off once again especially in the last quarter, and we gained benefits from our deeper push into non-travel businesses. Year-on-Year, flights and passengers handled increased by 73.3% and 169.0%, respectively, while gross meals served increased by 20.0% across all segments. Air freight rose 45.2% in tonnage over the same period, bringing cargo demand back to pre-pandemic levels.

We would like to thank our customers, industry partners, shareholders and employees for journeying with us through the pandemic. Catch our year-in-review video to learn more about the milestones we crossed with your support. See how we are shaping the future of our businesses, communities and ecosystems through the building of innovative capabilities, reimagining customer experiences and making calibrated investments.

Even as we look back on what we have achieved, we remain focused on delivering on our purpose to feed and connect communities. At our 49th Annual General Meeting on 22 July 2022, our President and Chief Executive Officer Kerry Mok shone a spotlight on SATS’ twin growth engine strategy: While we continue to enhance operational excellence and efficiency, we are also replicating these capabilities across key markets overseas to help ourselves and our customers achieve network effects.

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