Meet Lauren Westrom of Anchorage, Alaska


Lauren Westrom is a creative and passionate individual based in Anchorage, Alaska, who loves to indulge in her current hobbies while finding new ones. Between traveling, gardening, learning, and creating art, Lauren stretches her creative limits in ways that allow her to improve her personal life and explore new points of view in the world.

For as long as she can remember, Lauren Westrom has loved traveling in and out of Anchorage, Alaska, and learning about different cultures. She loves how much people can learn just from visiting different parts of the world; every country has its own history just waiting to be learned about, and Lauren believes that traveling outside of your comfort zone can make you a more well-rounded person. Though she hasn’t gone beyond the United States and Canada, North America is a vast continent with a history of its own that she might not even know about. Lauren plans to travel abroad one day and learn more so she can become an educated global citizen.

In addition to travel, Lauren Westrom enjoys gardening and creating art. She started her indoor garden on a whim one day—the succulent she saw and the pot it was in caught her eye, and Lauren bought it without a second thought. She loved plants for several years beforehand but never had an excuse to start a garden of her own. Her succulent soon turned into two, then three, and soon, Lauren Westrom had many indoor plants that she learned to care for with love and care, given the climate in Anchorage. She plans to start an outdoor garden as well; gardening is a healthy hobby that brings joy to her life.

Gardening also inspired her venture into the art world. Lauren Westrom looked at her plants one day and was struck by inspiration to put the beauty of her plants onto paper. Though she hardly claims to be a professional, Lauren is proud of the art she’s created since her first drawing and plans to continue practicing so she can better her newfound skill. Her inspiration pool expanded from her plants to her other passions, and Lauren plans to continue with her hobbies to live her best life.

Visit to learn about her hobbies in greater detail!

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