Resartus, 2020 – FESCH.TV


The Subway Creatures collaborative work ‘Resartus’ serves to enlighten the audience’s perception of fast fashion; dissecting how modern advertising, social media, and websites obscure views of production methods and heighten hype to profit.

As a generation raised with the media, we have all been subject to consumerist culture. As such, we are interested in exploring the transparency of brands, and how a lack of knowledge on the consumers‘ part redefines the ethical nature of their perceptions. It is through the creation of this allure and shame felt by the consumer that the concealment of consequent notions, such as issues of health concerns, environmental effects, forced labour, the neglect of work safety, and payment of a living wage, are provoked.

To shed light on this issue, we have narrowed our research down to three pivotal issues that have been catalysed through the rise of fast fashion; the neglect of animal rights, workers rights and environmental rights.

Our vision is to create a fictional world inspired by real events to force the user to confront aspects of their consumerism that they might not have known or considered to exist. We aim to challenge the viewer’s perception of the textiles economy, starting a conversation that leads them on a path to question and reconsider their morality and contribution to this industry.

This is fuelled by our collective enthusiasm to portray realism- unclouded by facades and falsities- as ultimately without this skewed perception of the world, positive shifts can exist to ensure global sustainability and security.

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