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This channel broadcasts Marine Science expeditions for 21 century students. It is aimed at STEMS students and celebrates the diversity of marine science roles available for women and men. Student will meet some the top marine scientists in Australia and watch them practice real science in the field. We will travel on several marine science expedition into some of Western Australia’s remote marine ecosystems.
We acknowledge the traditional knowledge and values of Aboriginal Australia in understanding these diverse ecosystems, observed over thousands of years and told in stories from generation to generation.
Topic include Changing Climate, Biodiscovery, Genetics, Oceanography, Environmental management, Safety, Conservation, Fisheries and Future resource. In expeditions into the remote Kimberley of Western Australia we will uncover whale maternity wards, rare coral reefs, and work in the greatest tidal current in Australia. Students will have a deeper understanding of the risks and benefits of our marine resources and the challenge ahead in managing climate, energy and ocean resources. They will discover some of the most pristine marine habits in Australia and the magical world they support. We invite you to join us in New Frontiers in Marine Science. Teacher signup for updates and receive are study guides for the classroom.
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