

Sonosfera® – A Sensorial Ark for the Ecological Transition

Sonosfera® is a technological sound amphitheater built in Pesaro, UNESCO Creative City of Music, a unique spherical space for sensorial and cognitive experiences of ecosystems and music.
As a mobile theatre, based on an international patent and trademark, Sonosfera® can travel in contemporary art, science and cultural venues, representing a real innovation in technology and design. The theatre is today a cultural platform for expressing multidisciplinary and multi-code programs, spanning from environmentally oriented journeys in biodiversity to voyages in Renaissance Italian art and music, from new ways of exploring aural and visual perception to applications in the areas of neurophysiology, accessibility and social inclusion. The 3-dimensional sound and 360° experience delivered by 45 loudspeakers and a 24k-resolution azimuth screen is in fact radically different from the solipsistic 1-person VR immersions given by headsets: in Sonosfera® individuals sit together in the same cavea, as in an ancient theatre; the experience is thus a shared virtual reality where humans are again guests of complex ecosystems, which breath and thrive all around them.
Sonosfera®, in fact, was originally invented and engineered for the specific scope of reproducing the 3-dimensional sound of primary forests to broad audiences, within the framework of the long-term project “Fragments of Extinction”. The project is recording sonic fragments in the most ancient and biodiverse untouched equatorial rainforests left on Earth since 2002. The goal is to store for posterity 24-hour-long sound portraits of the intangible heritage of nature, and to share them immediately through deep-listening experiences for reflecting on the biodiversity and climate crises. We are strongly convinced that the medium of sensorial art will help in filling the gap between some of the most “uncomfortable” issues of our time (the ongoing 6th mass extinction, the existential threat represented by climate change) and the ecological transition, now urgently required in all our societies.

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