CachèIstanbul / Rug Dealer Collection / New Season – FESCH.TV


Now you too are a drug dealer! The new collection was inspired by our own carpets. If you are happy to be part of this community, check out our hand-woven carpets with the same designs as your clothes on our website.
Video By: Recep Bozgöz & Ali Burak Albayrak
Crative Dir: Recep Bozgöz & Eda İşbilir
Models: Ecenaz Aytemur
Billur Melis Koç
Deniz Görkem Kaya
Styling: Eda İşbilir & Melisa Yılmaz
Editing: Recep Bozgöz
Camera: Ali Burak Albayrak & Celal Yücel Tombul,
Mehmet Can Satıloğlu
Sound Design: Maziyar Khavajiyan (AmooMazz)
Color: Ali Burak Albayrak
Photographer: Marina Vysotskaia
Jewelry Collaboration: Pia Yuli Jewelry
Special Thanks: Pınar Özlem Yürekli,
Güler Başar, Kemal Gökhan Gürses

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