Jelmoli – SS22 – FESCH.TV

Jelmoli – SS22 & FESCH.TV:


Format: S35 Film
Aspect ratio: 1,33:1 Spherical
Camera + Lenses: Arriflex BL Evolution 2000 + Cooke Varotal 20-100mm

“The films portray various intimate situations between friends, as we observe their experiences and relationships between each other. We have an insight in various conversations, that might only last a fraction of time and others which are more intense. Their conversations are a reflection of how living in the moment is the only and most valuable state of mind.”
— Farbfilm Studio

Director: Burak Erinmez
DOP: Fabio Tozzo
Creative Producer: Flo Brunner
PA: Yanik Zollinger
Styling: Donjeta Selmanaj
H&M: Sophia Singh
1st AC: Linus Rieser
Gaffer: Lino Kalt
Music: Colleen – Cécile Schott
Editor: Flo Brunner, Andrea Crisci, Burak Erinmez
Colorist: Simon Hardegger
Camera rental:
Film Lab: Silbersalz Lab

commercial,fw22,arriflex bl evolution 2000,cooke 20-100mm,Vision3,5219,zurich,cinematography,jelmoli,fabio tozzo,fabiotozzo,burak erinmez,fashion,farbfilm studio,500T,Kodak,varotal,4perf,sarida bossoni,simon hardegger

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