St. James‘ Sunday 6-2-2 – FESCH.TV

St. James‘ Sunday 6-2-2 & FESCH.TV:

St. James‘ Sunday 6-2-24

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Vacation Bible School is being held this week at St. James’ — which means Summer has started! Once again, every afternoon, from 3 – 6 PM, our campus will be filled with keiki learning, having loads of fun, and eating! This year’s theme is about what it might have been like for Jesus as a kid. Mahalo to all who are helping. Contact Susan Acaio ASAP if you have a keiki that would like to come. There’s always room for one more at God’s table!

We will not have Beach Mass today as the Kawaihae Canoe Club Steak Fry fundraiser is happening. Dinner on the beach, under the lights and stars, with live country music on the stage. If you’ve got folks visiting, this is a great event to share with them. Or, if you need a break from folks visiting, SEND THEM! Tickets are still available at the entrance. It is a great way to support and mahalo the Canoe Club. For 11+ years they have supported our parish in welcoming us to hold our weekly worship service. Doors open at 4:45 PM with dinner starting at 5:30 PM.

This weekend, our Roman Catholic sisters and brothers will celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi. No, not the city in Texas! But, the Eucharist (Holy Communion). Corpus Christi from the Latin means “The Body of Christ.” While they and we celebrate the Eucharist (Holy Communion) every weekend, this feast highlights the special gift of the Eucharist, reminding us in a physical way, the real presence of Christ remains with us always. This is a good thing to take a moment to remind ourselves. Though we offer service online for those unable to attend, participating and receiving the Eucharist in person is a crucial part of our identity as the Body of Christ, nourished by the Body of Christ.

Every Sunday is a mini-Easter. It is the day of our Lord’s resurrection. There is a joy that is inherent to our coming together AND NOT JUST ON SUNDAYS! But where two or three are gathered, Jesus said, “I am in the midst of them.” If you were at the Community Meal this past Thursday, you’ll know what I am talking about. There was so much joy in the pavilion! Take a look at the pictures Paul Lee and others took by clicking the link HERE.

One thing I would like you to do is look at the new rendition of the inside of the Gathering Place. Click the link below or HERE. Envision the Thrift Store Ministry Luncheon & Fashion Show, Keiki Vacation Bible School, the Community Meal Ministry happening in this space. The artist had given us a more formal look of the room. But in this one, he tried to make it look a bit more like how we will mostly use the new space. Visualize the wall of glass doors on both sides open on sunny, warm evenings, with keiki playing outside. It is clean, welcoming, and full of Light!

Lastly, our Scriptures will invite us to think about what it means to “keep the Sabbath.” In the Gospel lesson, we’ll overhear Jesus and the religious leaders having a strong discussion about what it means and what it doesn’t mean. What does keeping the Sabbath mean for you? What does it look like for you to have some “sabbath-time.” Coming to worship should not feel like work. It should bring you rest for your soul, warmth to your heart in seeing friends and making new ones, and peace to your mind in hearing the words of absolution and blessing. I hope it does for you. It does for me. If you cannot be with us in person, Marnie, Linda, and I are always glad to bring the Sacrament to you. In fact, post-Pandemic it is time to reactivate our Home Communion team who take communion from worship to folks homebound. Let me us know if this a ministry you would like to explore, especially if you have someone in your life you know cannot be with us in person.

That’s all for now.

With love and blessings,

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