within/without – FESCH.TV

within/without & FESCH.TV:

Within/Without explores the intricacies of personality, specifically the interplay between influence and identity. Internal and external influences that shape and mould a person’s disposition are mobilised through colour and layered images, creating a jumbled patchwork that represents the breadth of influences that shape personality.

Resemblant of Psychedelic-Surreal music videos popularised in the 2010s by ASAP MOB, Within/Without uses trippy visuals to represent the mental state of characters, opting for symbolism as a means for storytelling. The pulsing hues of pink and purple echo against the bright blues, highlighting the internal battle between external influences and sense of self, using cinematic techniques in a similar fashion to Gaspar Noe by indicating mental states through highly saturated colour.

Within/without is a glitchy cluttered array of messages and lights, representing a bombardment of influence which causes internal unease amongst the characters. Colours leaking into one another display how we unconsciously absorb and incorporate external experiences into our own personalities.

Within/Without captures the diverseness of perception, feeding into this internal battle reprented through the kaleidoscopic blend of imagery and colours, causing viewers to question how much of our personality is our own instead of a reflection of outside expectation.

Contemporary society brings a complex and relentless flow of external influences, jumbling and changing our sense of self. So how can we know how much of our identity is truly ours as opposed to a reflection of outside expectation.?

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