PF Series – FESCH.TV

PF Series & FESCH.TV:

PF Series

Art by Paola Fonticoli

Paola Fonticoli painter, sculptor and fashion model.

Her exhibition activity began in 1985 with her first solo exhibition at the Galleria Grazia Terribile in Gravina di Puglia. This was followed by, among others, those in Rio de Janeiro, Milan, Paris, Kyoto, New York, Bonn, Cologne. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Italy and abroad at the invitation of, among others, Achille Bonito Oliva, Lorànd Hegyi, Elena Pontiggia, Claudio Cerritelli, Francesca Alfano Miglietti, Martina Corgnati, Flaminio Gualdoni, Angela Madesani, Matteo Galbiati
She lives and works in Milan.

Music: Giovanni Venosta and Massimo Mariani

Video & Digital editing: Roberto Musci

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