Digital Currency leads us to slavery – FESCH.TV


Digital Currency leads us by the hand down the primrose path to slavery

Money is no Mystery
Part Three

The decay of values, the decline of crafts, of art, of literature, and, above all, of intellectual inquiry in the United States leaves us facing a wasteland wherein money is the only sentient beast, demanding due worship by all.
This horrific change was accompanied by the hollowing out of the economy. We went from agriculture in which there is a clear relationship between labor, product, and the moral and physical wellbeing of the family, to manufacturing in which production was cut off from daily life and monopolized by global capital, to a consumption and the service economy which is mediated by computers, creating online platforms controlled behind the curtains by unaccountable multinational technological monopolies.
And now, in the last stage of the decay of the angel, we are encouraged to welcome as a sign of advancement the replacements of humans with robots, drones, and AI systems. Citizens have no role in this alien economy and we can only feed our families by engaging in some banal activity at a tremendous distance from family and neighbors, and then bringing back the dollars so earned to purchase products sold retail by multinational corporations.
When family farms were replaced with factory farms, when local manufacturing was replaced with imports from China and Thailand, when local businesses were ruthlessly exterminated by monster outlets funded by private equity in the name of efficiency and free trade, when the banks stand triumphant on the ruins of what was once America, they will unfurl a new slavery, dressed up as fashion, safety, and identity awareness, that will crush what remains of our selves. Fascism will come to America when it is downloaded from an I-phone, or posted on Facebook.
Corporate media networks keep repeating the same fraudulent reports about how technological progress had ushered in a better world. Hapless students are taught from elementary school that money is the highest priority, that new technology is required, as is competitiveness, in order to secure a happy future.
Because all aspects of human experience have been farmed out to multinational corporations like Amazon, WalMart, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Disney, organizations that function like governments but that are not subject to the Constitution, organizations that keep their finances offshore, we have lost the ability to assess what is true; we have been blinded physically and spiritually.
The private banks ran the show under Presidents Clinton, Bush, Trump, and Biden. They offered us a brave new world in which the stock market determined the health of the economy, a stock market that was inflated by stock buybacks using fake money generated by quantitative easing.
Citizens were forced by their retirement plans to put their money into this ponzi scheme. The corporate media encouraged them to think that funny money printed up by the Federal Reserve was real and that farm land, natural assets, universities and research institutes, even government institutions like the Center for Disease Control that the billionaires had bought with that fake money actually belongs to them.
Derivatives (futures, options, and swaps) are the most abominable of the wretched creatures unleashed on the working man. Derivatives form a system wherein multinational investment banks can claim to have a financial interest in goods they never own using the Mickey Mouse games cooked up by IT experts. The profits from derivatives, in the trillions of dollars, have nothing to do with the real world, but are created out of whole cloth for the billionaire class through the manipulation of information.
Another monster is cryptocurrency, and other forms of digital coinage that crawl the floors of the putrid seas of greed and fraud in search of innocents and fools. These want-to-be currencies follow the primary directive laid down by the grandfather of modern economics P.T. Barnum, “There is a sucker born every day.”
These cryptocurrencies are promoted as a form of money more stable than the bedridden dying dollar, but the metrics that determine the value of BitCoin or Ethereum are rigged by bankers stringing along the little man until he can be wiped out in 9.11 financial disaster.

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