Encanto Fil Trailer – FESCH.TV
Choreography by Rosie Herrera in collaboration with the dancers
Created for students of the University of Reno 2021
Shot and edited by Tweaking Reality Studios
Music: Songbird by Fleetwood Mac sung by Abigail Rosen
1. Abigail Rosen
2. Hanna Walkinshaw
3. Cheyenne Baker
4. Maria De la Puente
5. Dwight Jones
6. Cameron Mauer
7. Andrew Paiz
8. Sarah Ziolkowski
9. Geri Wachtel
10. Corrine Undercoffer
Costumes by Kendra Bell with Rosie Herrera
Original Bodysuits by: Kikimora Fashion
Abigail Rosen’s bodysuit by Kendra Bell
Special thank you to Forrest Airola and Eve Allen Garza
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