Exposure | Fashion Collection 2023 – FESCH.TV

Exposure | Fashion Collection 2023 & FESCH.TV:

View the creations from the 2023 graduating cohort of fashion designers, thinkers, curators and researchers. Our students bring critical thinking, political commentary and innovative concepts to the global fashion industry.

Want to join this amazing fashion programme? Find out more at

Production Credits:
Film Makers – Ben Dickens, Mason Rudd

00:07 Asia Horne, Kindred
01:09 Finn Mora-Hill, Data Entry
02:34 Juliana Dimitri, Lenticular Vision
03:48 Sophie Jones, Chaos to Order
04:56 Hannah Lynn, Revive Denim
05:58 Laylah Hannaford, Sugar
07:00 Frankie Alexander-Kemble, The Sum of its Parts
08:12 Larissa Wilson, Loves Me Not
09:22 Chanel Morey, Stars
10:20 Sally Lory, Planthropocene
11:30 Laura Evans, Bedtime Story
12:37 Madeleine Ovenden, The Class of…
13:39 Izzy Levien, A Musician’s Aura
14:38 Jessica Priddey, Forked Fantasies
15:46 Vince Ropitini, The Art of Passive Resistance
16:51 Blake Fullerton, 2 Girls
17:53 Winnie Solomon, The New Woman
18:58 Indy McCulloch, Little & Lost
20:06 Jessica Munn, Impression Expression
21:04 Rebecca Smith, Because I loved You
22:08 Sophie Whyte, Reconstructed Legacy
23:11 Tayla Stewart, Take Stock
24:23 Sydney Palmer, Selfism
25:31 Tessa Burke, Siren Serenity
26:51 Tom Conway, My Modern Man
28:01 Mana Umbers, Broken Native
29:07 Ryan Shepherd, Urban Utopia

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