FESCHTV – This Is What Happens When a Psychopath Runs a Prison – Prison Simulator

This Is What Happens When a Psychopath Runs a Prison – Prison Simulator & FESCH.TV:


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More about Prison Simulator (from Steam):

– Experience life in prison in the comfort of your own home. Without any real-life consequences!

– As a prison guard, your job is to maintain order behind the prison walls. But on the other hand – you’re in charge here. So who is gonna tell you what to do? Are you gonna be the role model CO? It’s up to you, dude.

– Simulate a prison guard’s life. Look for contraband, gun maintenance, or shoot some hoops during your break. Not enough? My dude, there’s so much more!

– Check out our reeeeeally cool prisoner creator!

– Experience the thrilling prison story (missing your fav prison TV shows? We’ve got you covered)

– This game is really fun for streaming on Twitch/Youtube. Srsly – give it a go if you’re into that kind of thing.

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