FeschTV – Vyse All Abilities Explained | VALORANT New Agent

Vyse All Abilities Explained | VALORANT New Agent & FESCH.TV:

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Vyse is VALORANT’s newest sentinel agent, and in this video I go over all 4 of her abilities, and explain what they do!

Arc Rose (E) – 00:00
Razorvine (C) – 00:43
Shear (Q) – 01:28
Steel Garden (X) – 02:04

#Valorant #Vyse #Abilities

Tags: vyse all abilities explained,valorant new agent,vyse,valorant,valorant vyse,vyse all abilities valorant,valorant vyse abilities,vyse abilities valorant,valorant vyse abilities explained,vyse abilites explained valorant,valorant what vyse clove do,what vyse clove do valorant,valorant vyse abilities explained

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