Rami Mekdachi is an awarded film maker and photographer, basketball amateur and music lover… His first feature film WITH, counting a search of peace, togetherness, simple joy and present, was awarded Best Documentary at the Golden State Film Festival in Hollywood & at the Open World Film Festival in Toronto, Best Director at Nice IFF, Best Original Score at Queen Palm Springs IFF, nominated for Best Cinematography at London IFF… Just released on AppleTV & AmazonPrime…
WITH is counting a search of peace, togetherness, simple joy and present through music, family and travel…

His new feature movie HOOPTIME is a poetic, cinematic, musical movie about basketball & how playgrounds have that power to freeze time, space and social barriers to create real friendship among strangers…
Still a work in progress, Rami is editing 10 years of travel footage and un-released original soundtrack while keeping playing basketball with his son and touring playgrounds with his family, filming talks and dreams shared around a basketball & a HOOP…

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