In An Aniated Fashion Gateshead Millenniu Bridge – FESCH.TV
Today is the anniversary of the Millenium Bridge in Gateshead and what better way to mark this occasion than an animation. What is an animation though? The bridge is in the world, so why not an animation in the world. This is the outcome, the product from the relational days of exchange, T-shirts for participation. This is an animation of the world, in the world, and apart from the world. We set ourselves some challenges here, as to how to make what is a participatory and communal animation. It isn’t really stop motion, as the participants are in the work for bursts of frames. Materially, the t-shirts, and their crumpledness at times, highlights the task we undertook, the obstacles and rules we put in place, and create the aesthetic; but also alter and effect the flow, reveal the difficulty of the undertaking. There is a lot going on in this just over a minute. This work was as much about the doing, as about the conclusion. Thanks to Thom Sansom , Anton Hecht, Jason Berge and to the Gateshead arts team.
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