Concept & choreography: Sergiu Diță
Choreography assistance: Anca Stoica
Performers: Eva Danciu, Oana Jipa, Fatma Mohamed, Sofia Sitaru-Onofrei & Anca Stoica
Dramaturgy: Ioana Toloargă
Sound Design: RAW Creatives
Music: Daniel Stănciucu, Adrian Piciorea, David Cristian, Robert Găgeată
Costume designer: Larisa Petcuț

MEMETICS* is an archive of digital culture, a performative space of hyperlinks transferred into the body, on which the author intervenes through remixing and re-contextualisation actions.
The generation and spread of information online, analogous to the phenomenon of spreading viruses, changes the perception of reality and is transferred into the mode of cultural production. Starting from memes**, the performance aims to hybridise bodies, placed between reality and virtuality. As a technique, MEMETICS proposes juxtapositions of transgressive elements, critical and post-ironic elements that blur the boundary between public and private. The show proposes a fragmented, scrolling vision of reality with pop elements, trends, internet slang and viral images promoted in the Web 2.0 era.

*Memetics = the theoretical and empirical science that studies the reproduction, spread and evolution memes.
**Memes, memes = small cultural units of transmission, analogous to genes, that spread by from one person to another by copying or imitation (from songs, slogans, fashion, abstract beliefs, such as that in God, to 9GAG).

The performance is the result of the Festival-Competition “D-butan-t”, organized by the Theatre “Andrei Mureșanu” Sfântu Gheorghe and the Constanta State Theatre, with the support of The National Center for Dance Bucharest (CNDB), 7th edition, whose Grand Prize was won by choreographer Sergiu Diță.

memetics,sergiu dita,performance,contemporary dance,digital culture,memes,trailer

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