Michigan Medical Nutrition Education Consortium Webinar – FESCH.TV

Michigan Medical Nutrition Education Consortium Webinar & FESCH.TV:

The Michigan Medical Nutrition Education Consortium (MMNEC) is dedicated to advancing and enhancing nutrition education within the medical curriculum across the state of Michigan. Comprised of appointed members from all Michigan medical schools, MMNEC serves as a collaborative platform aimed at improving the understanding and integration of nutrition science within medical education. The primary goal is to ensure that medical students in Michigan receive comprehensive and evidence-based nutrition education that equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively address the role of nutrition in health promotion, disease prevention, and patient care.

In an attempt to meet this need for nutrition education in crowded curricula, MMNEC partnered with ScholarRx to generate medical nutrition Bricks of content that can be used in a modular fashion with different curricular frameworks. In this webinar, we discuss how this inter-institutional organization was formed, how we identified the topics to be included in our Bricks, and the process of shared authorship. We will also highlight some of the design, formatting, and AI features of the Brick Builder Platform that the MMNEC found useful in their process.

Jana Simmons, PhD, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine;
Ginnie Uhley PhD, RDN, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine;
Laryssa Kaufman, MD, Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine;
Jesse Bakke PhD, Central Michigan University College of Medicine;
Melissa H Olken, MD, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Abbey Solitro, PhD, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

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