

“My Blind Fingertips” is a new solo moving image work in progress from Juliana Capes. I was instigated by her participation on Cove Park’s Experimental Film and Moving Image Residency 2020.

Featuring integrated audio description and creative captioning/subtitles, “My Blind Fingertips” describes a rainbow without naming it through descriptions of feelings: tangible and intangible. It creates a layered space between accessibility and inaccessibility, simultaneously close and far away. It creates a flirtation space where words and images have relationships, that float together but don’t touch. Where slippage between word and image and feeling and seeing are encouraged.

“My Blind Fingertips” has grown from Juliana’s passion for equal access to the arts and her experience of working with a visually impaired audience for the last 20 years in Scottish galleries as a visual describer and flows from her 2019 collaborative film “Be Different Today”, that described a sunrise for the visually impaired.

“My Blind Fingertips” is a working title of and this is a work in progress . The submitted file is a first draft that will be finished by the end of 2022. Intended as an indication of direction of travel towards a finished work. In it’s current state I consider it a sketch showing the general aesthetic and footage that will be used and the themes that the film will address. It also indicates the style of audio description and the creative use of subtitling/captions, all of which have been integrated into the film from the outset . To be developed further over the next 6 weeks is the structure of the film, the soundscape and the resolution of the integrated description and creative subtitling/captions. I envision it will either be presented as a single screen work in a cinema space or projected large as part of an installation in a gallery space and either option can be discussed while the work is still in development.

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