Noli Resicere | Never Look Back – Trailer – FESCH.TV


Trailer of the short-movie:
Noli Respicere | Never Look Back

A songwriter went out of town to develop his new album. He brings along his beloved fiancée but things look like to be not so easy between them..

Un cantautore è fuori città con la propria fidanzata per sviluppare il suo nuovo album, ma non sembra andare tutto per il meglio tra di loro..

Lino Palena – Director
Marco Sirignano A.I.C. – Director of Photography
Alberto Astorri – Orfeo
Roberta Lanave – Euridice
Ludovica De Feo – Director Assistant
Riccardo Casiccia – 1st A.C.
Paolo Baroni – Production Sound
Roberto Muratori – Gaffer
Margherita Crespi – Set Designer
Alice Pozza – Make-up Artist
Samuele Marfia – Fashion Stylist
Marco Presidente De Luca – Runner
Elena Vaninetti – Set Photographer
Antonio Petrotta – Audio Post Production
Giulia Restelli – English Subtitles

Original Score: judA –

Thanks to Consorzio Villa Reale e Parco di Monza,
for the shooting authorization inside the Giardini.
Thanks to Canon for lending the C300.

Shot on Canon C300 to be eligible to a Canon’s contest with Zeiss Cp.2 lenses, graded in Magic Bullet and with FilmConvert.

Produced by Young Bateleur

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