Oceans of Thought
Sometime around 2013/14 a young man traveled through Bozeman, MT. His name, if memory is correct, was Nathan Huckabee. A recently graduated nurse, Nathan had decided to travel across the US riding trains and experiencing life in the darkest places. His goal was to bring the love of God everywhere and to gain an understanding of the most desperate situations humans can live in… all so he could then return to nursing with a heart more willing to truly serve his patients. Sleeping in a tent on Katy’s lawn (actually her Grandma’s lawn) Nathan wrote this poem late one night on a piece of cardboard he had used to hitchhike, take notes on, etc. Now, many years later, the poem still hangs on Katy’s wall… but everything in it has come true. She and her family moved from Montana to Hawaii, and upon first reading the poem again after many years a serendipitous piece of green sea glass even happened to be on the window ledge beside her. This collaborative video was produced with the talented improvisational dancing of Mickayla Markley, Kevin Price, Leigha Jeannette, Franceska Lopez, and Katy Lanuza. Katy’s husband Aaron Lanuza was the main videographer. Katy co-filmed and then edited the piece „Oceans of Thought“ together. Enjoy.
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