Peter Holmes Christmas Message


Good news! The days are now getting longer. Several people have commented
that they have found Toronto mornings darker this December than ever before. It
has seemed the same to me, but I am convinced it is the weight of these pandemic
times. For just when we thought we were beginning to see the light at the end of
the COVID tunnel another variant arrived to cast a shadow on our sense of health
and safety and veil our plans to travel and gather for Christmas in uncertainty.

But there is good news! The light does prevail. Just as the arrival of the winter
solstice yesterday meant the days would now start getting longer, John’s gospel
reminds us that in the birth of Jesus Christ the Light of the World has broken
through the darkness of our days. God has come to us in love and we are not
alone. Isaiah said it best, “Arise, shine, for your light has come!”

Merry Christmas

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