

People gather where once there was an ocean,
And find between the fossils and the dust
Broken bits of clay bowls and pots and beads long out of fashion.
Left behind from an ancient time, moulded by people long gone
(And no one really knows if that past was real, or a grand fiction).
The ancient markings suggest they were from Pitaou
(But in reality, they could be from anytime or anyplace).
In the history books Pitaou is described as a magical world,
Where citizens lived side-by-side centaurs and mermaids
And like Tir-na-nÓg the people stayed young forever.
It was not until a noise so loud engulfed the air
That Pitaou like Atlantis vanished without a trace.
Now and then, remnants are found in desolation,
Artefacts that seem to come from a purer age, from a simpler time.
Objects sparking ideas and unfinished thoughts in
The minds of the many who wish they were there instead of here.
A mystery steeped in time like a teabag pressed up against the inside of the cup,
Getting stronger and darker when it is left alone.
The new humans pick apart the difficulties in their lives,
Observing the atrocities of their modern societies,
Delighting in the thought of Pitaou – a place never really seen.
A place that only exists in fragments, in thought and
Brushed into existence in a fancy of idea.
Un-finished thoughts linger in their perfection,
Un-endings leave room for anything to take place.
Something beautiful, maybe something so overwhelmingly beautiful
That to see it you would have to lose touch with reality.

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