Prometheus NT.Plex: The Fully Automated Protein Stability Platfor – FESCH.TV

Prometheus NT.Plex: The Fully Automated Protein Stability Platfor & FESCH.TV:

The Prometheus NT.Plex is a high-performance nanoDSF instrument that provides high-quality protein unfolding curves, melting temperatures (Tm) and aggregation onsets (Tagg). In addition, it can provide Gibbs free enthalpy (ΔG) of a protein in just three seconds. Using the NT.Robotic Autosampler, the Prometheus NT.Plex can be integrated with the vast majority of liquid handling platforms. The autosampler is a very flexible platform based on proven technology. Depending on the configuration, the number of samples that can be processed and analyzed in an automated fashion is virtually unlimited.

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