Singular Blood, 2021 – FESCH.TV
From the series Smell Me Not, 2021. Exploring the world of sensory perception, the body of work opens the dialogue between smell and fashion imagery. The desire to challenge the audience’s perception and manipulate emotions through using sensory signifiers stems from the fascination surrounding how digital technology distances our connection to our senses. Interested by how sensory perception works within the unconscious mind, the work explores how to visually translate a world where our sense of smell isn’t controlled by colour. The journey of exploring olfaction incorporates the use of stereotypical potent signifiers, physically manipulating them and distorting the negative subconscious association our society has developed. The viewing experience is accompanied by a range of handmade fragrances with the purpose of influencing the audience’s perception of the body of work. Inspired by how Joseph Beuys challenges societal ideals, the notion of this project expands on his approach, questioning how our society is detached from our sense of smell.
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