Sonia D. Andras – Negotiations En Vogue (Conference Presentation, 2023) – FESCH.TV

Sonia D. Andras – Negotiations En Vogue (Conference Presentation, 2023) & FESCH.TV:

Presentation of the paper „Negotiations En Vogue: Interwar Romanian Women as Fashion Icons Represented in American Vogue“ from 15 June 2023 at the @EDERAPCE Conference Titled „Romanian American Negotiations in Education, Science, Culture, and Arts/Negocierile româno-americane în educație, știință, cultură și artă“ [See details: ]
This paper explores Romanian women’s influence on US fashion, as representatives of European artistic, cultural and social elites and as genuine Parisiennes. This study treats the Parisienne model as a symbolic marker of elegance driven by French, namely Parisian, aesthetic philosophies and technical prowess. In this sense, Romanian women function as liminal agents of influence and scrutiny, in-between local, regional, continental and worldwide ethnic, cultural, social, ideological and religious identities. The research focuses on primary visual and textual materials published in the original American edition of Vogue, based in New York. These sources, including fashion and news reports, photographs, illustrations, and full-length articles are analyzed in the context of Romanian-American cultural and aesthetic negotiations, using an informed disciplinary methodology focusing on fashion studies and discourse analysis of written and visual texts. Interwar Romanian women’s impact on European and American fashion remains a largely unexplored topic. This paper aims to open a new field of enquiry, adding fashion studies in the media to the diversity of topics regarding Romanian-American cultural and artistic negotiations.
Key Words: fashion icons, women, interwar era, American Vogue, USA, Romania

Thanks to @roxanamihaly9482 for recording this on Zoom.

​Dr Sonia D. Andras
Associate Researcher, The “Gheorghe Șincai” Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities as Postdoctoral member in the UEFISCDI-funded project The Ethos of Dialogue and Education: Romanian-American Negotiations 1920-1940:
~ Pre-Order Now~ Use the code „GLR AT8“ for 35% off: The Women of ‚Little Paris‘: Fashion in Interwar Bucharest: (Available 14 Nov 2024 at Bloomsbury Visual Arts, Dress Cultures)
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Recent Publications:
Creative Negotiations. Romania–America 1920–1940, eds. Sonia D. Andras, Roxana Mihaly, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023: .
Romanian-American Negotiations in Education, Science, Culture, and Arts, eds. Cornel Sigmirean, Sonia D. Andras, Roxana Mihaly, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023:
Book Chapters
„Garçonne, but Make Her Flapper. Using American Femininity Models to Re-Fashion the Romanian ‘Modern Girl“:
„Interwar Romanian Fashion and Beauty in American Vogue“:
Journal Articles
„Selling Glamour: Marketing Western Women’s Fashion in Interwar Bucharest“, Transylvanian Review, 2023:
„From Monitorul Oficial to Calea Victoriei: Decoding 1930s Bucharest through Women’s Fashion“, Journal of Romanian Studies, 2023:
„Fashioning simultaneous migrations: Sonia Delaunay and inter-war Romanian connections“, Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty, 2022:
IDs & Profiles
​​ORCID: 0000-0001-6840-1378
UEF-ID (BrainMap): U-2000-065T-8339

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