Started really interesting conversations – FESCH.TV


Here we are at day seven of the 1-Week Challenge. This is the company’s new and first v-neck and I’m really loving it so far. I usually wear v-neck sweaters, so I was really excited to get this one and test it out. I’ve loved wearing it so far. It’s been really easy to layer a collared shirt underneath and really easy to mix and match with everything else in my wardrobe, which is important for something that’s going to last for a long time. It’s held up really well so far.

One of the things I really enjoyed about the sweater was how long the sleeves are. And one of the things that took a little bit of getting used to but I’ve really learned to enjoy is how tight the sleeves are. They’re not too tight, but they stay close to your arm. At first, I was a little bit worried they’d lose shape because I like to roll the sleeves up. But they didn’t at all. The sleeves bounced right back. It’s a really resilient fabric as well as being soft and warm.

I wore it out on our first snowfall of the year in Colorado and played in the snow with it as a base layer under my coat.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been traveling, and it was really easy to wear to the airport and on the plane. It was comfortable but still looked good. Worth noting that where I traveled, it was pretty warm, like 70 degrees, and the sweater worked great even when it was warmer. I learned the sweater can span a wide range of different temperatures and still be easy to wear/comfortable, which makes packing a lot easier. If you’re traveling, you really only have to back one base/mid-layer.

Overall I really enjoyed wearing the sweater. The challenge started some really interesting conversations with friends too who noticed how I wore the same sweater multiple days in a row. They were all good conversations, and the challenge got them thinking about more sustainable ways of living, specifically how sustainability applies to their wardrobe/fashion. I think that’s a place where a lot of people don’t necessarily think about sustainable living, so I was really excited to have those conversations.

I’m excited that Oliver Charles is a brand that cares about sustainable fashion, and I’m excited to be part of it myself.


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