Stéiâgé C’oaché – short – FESCH.TV


Stéiâgé C’oaché liked to have big nights out, she did not ever notice the consequences of her actions. After a night too big in Oxford she took the first morning bus home, but she never made it back. She got stuck on the bus, she just physically was not able to leave this bus. After hours of crying and screaming and nobody hearing her calls, she accepted that this would be her new life. Meals became whatever was found leftover on the buses, lots of old McDonald’s chips from the bottom of the bag, already chewed up gum and the melted chocolate from the inside of discarded wrappers. Stéiâgé C’oaché created herself a sophisticated aura which she cultivated from the many hundreds that got on the bus each day, but she still remained her old self – lacking in boundaries and taking fun too far.

As time went by this bus became almost a part of her. The people ended up changing but the buses did not. She was outdated and wanted so badly to modernize herself. Stéiâgé C’oaché started stealing pretty much everything she could, her outfits came from what has been left behind on the bus and what she could easily take from other’s, a scarf, a jacket, people’s shoes.

Her life was mundane and boring, most of Stéiâgé C’oaché’s time is spent looking out the window, watching the people and days go by. To accompany her, she’d often be listening to her iPod which she stole from an innocent young girl who’s father had impatiently given her, to keep her quiet. Most of the music is old English rock, her favourite song being Beast of Burden by The Rolling Stones and she loves to listen to Jimi Hendrix’s, Axis: Bold as love album, this was a contrast to what she used to listen to.

Stéiâgé C’oaché has become an urban legend at this point, and some say she’s still on the bus, Stagecoach claim to have named their bus company after her to honour this old wives tale.

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