Stories of Girls‘ Resistance | The Two Faces of Condition [eisode 5] – FESCH.TV


Inspired by the story of Yumzhana from Buryatia
With Raisa Mihai

�‍�Yumzhana is a student at the International University of Mongolia, studying fashion design.She paints, she launched her brand of clothing 2 years ago and she is an eco-activist. Her story is one where feminism, spirituality, buryatian culture, art and ecology intertwine and take the shape of a fabric ready to be painted as a sign of cultural resistance.

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The global project debuted in November 2020 and will encompass a total of 120 stories told in 5 different languages about girls from 65 countries who are changing the world. The stories will be
brought to life through video art, music, theatre, poetry and other forms of creative documentation.
12 of these stories are produced by the Giuvlipen theatre and will be realized as video monologues performed by Roma artistx.

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Raisa Mihai: has graduated from „George Enescu“ National Musical College in Romania. She is currently a student in the fourth year at the National Music University in Bucharest, specializing in classical guitar. She is a Roma Education Fund bursary receiver and she has won multiple national and international awards in classical guitar competitions.

Performers/Interpretează: Raisa Mihai
Text: Mihaela Drăgan
Musical Production/Producție: Alex Bălă

Romanian Implementation Team / Echipa de implementare a proiectului în România:
⭐Mihaela Drăgan
EN: actress, playwriter and Giuvlipen co-founder; she signs the script and the creative concept of the series. | RO: actriță, dramaturgă și co-fondatoare Giuvlipen – semnează scenariul și conceptul creativ al seriei „Rezistența este o fată care schimbă lumea”.
⭐Zita Moldovan
EN: actress, fashion designer and Giuvlipen co-founder – has created the costumes. | RO: actriță, designer vestimentar și co-fondatoare Giuvlipen – a realizat costumele.
⭐Marius Mihordescu
EN: DOP, editing and assistant director (episodes 1-4) | RO: DOP, montaj și asistent regie (episodul 1-4).
⭐Andreea Câmpeanu
EN: montage | RO: montaj
⭐Andrada Roșu & Maria Dumitru
EN: production | RO: producție

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