Tectractys Core Frequency – FESCH.TV


The Espíritu Encanta series was directed by my inner-planes mentor ThothHorRa as part of Quantum Logica Interactive. Usually this work is done entirely with the QLI Team, however Thoth wished for others to interact with the Espiritu Encanta as well, if they felt so guided.

Each of these videos attunes the individual to a set of frequencies guided by the images provided. When creating these images I (Maia) worked with Thoth in placing the right prompts into the imaging process.

With the Tectactys, he provided certain numbers to go into the coding.

Each video in this series in intended to activate neurons in the brain which open circuitry in the DNA for full Light receipt. Of course, this is not a magic pill. It does stimulate these centers gently. The more you listen and watch, the better to connections. It is very much about viewing these images, and not just listening to the music, as the images are the key. I carefully chose music to balance the frequencies radiating from the images.

This process also creates LIGHT through the viewer which is broadcast to the planet.

Thoth has explained to me how one may use random generators (all A.I. art is created in this fashion) to open a path of receipt to deeper universal signals. This is much light white noise offers a field to receive spirit voices, as white noise contains randomly defined signals.

After Thoth shared this science with me, I found that Steve Huff of the famous Spirit Box, was using A.I. art generation to view departed Spirits!


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Quantum Logica Interactive

Steve Huff’s video on re-creating images of departed Spirits

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