THRIVE Detox Retreat 2-5th Sept


Thrive – Detox Retreat

DETOX and THRIVE through the power of Kundalini Yoga and juice fasting.
On this weekend retreat we will use kundalini yoga and fasting protocols, to open the channels of elimination and remove toxicity and support the body’s natural ability to HEAL and FLOURISH
YOUR body has an amazing ability to THRIVE given the right conditions and nutrients, a juice detox takes the pressure off and allows real healing to take place. The benefits of a DETOX are far reaching and can even result in health issues dissipating. Regardless of your health goals the end result of achieving optimum health and improving energy is a great reason to undertake a cleanse. !!
Kundalini Yoga supports detoxification in the body and you feel the positive rejuvenating effects fast. It is a healing and transformational practice – blending movement, meditation, mantra and breath(pranayama). Kundalini Yoga is for EVERYBODY regardless of their age or physical ability – you don’t have to be particularly flexible or fit. It is a perfect form of yoga for beginners yoga right through to the more advanced.

This retreat is the perfect opportunity to dive deep into the healing practices of Kundalini Yoga whilst safely exploring juice fasting or intermittent fasting.
Take this time out to rejuvenate your body and mind.
Be inspired to live a healthier life, improve your wellbeing, remove toxins from your life, feel happier, look younger and live longer.

Juice Fasting Benefits Include:-
*Nutrient Boosting
*Promotes Detoxification, Strengthens Immunity, Resulting In Healing
*Reduces Inflammatory Diseases
*Breaks Addiction & Promotes Rapid *Weight Loss
*Increases Energy
*Significantly Reduces Risks of Cancer, Heart Disease, Strokes, Diabetes
Depending on your bodys’ needs, choose between a full juice fasting experience or a gentler introduction with a combined approach, to include a light plant based lunch. Both are incredibly beneficial and we can guide you to decide which would be the right option for you.

Kundalini Yoga Benefits Include:-
*promotes detoxification, strengthen immunity resulting in healing
*balances glandular system
*strengthens nervous system
*expands your lung capacity, purifies blood
*alleviates stress, clears the mind and *creates sense of inner peace
*releases fear and emotional blocks
*greater focus and clarity
*increased joy and happiness

There will be 3 yoga sessions* on offer each day:-
*A GENTLE early morning breath, movement and meditation session to CLEANSE and CALM body and mind.
*Mid morning an ENERGIZING Kundalini yoga to move the energy of the body and mind to keep you LIGHT and VITALIZED. Focussing on the elimination channels – lymphatic, respiratory and digestive systems of the body to aid the CLEANSING and DETOXING process
*Evening – a RESTFUL session of Yoga Nidra (Enlightened Sleep), sound healing and meditation perfect for UNWINDING before bed
*all are optional
Example of Daily Schedule:-
Early Morning cleansing Pranayama and Meditation with Beth
Morning fresh organic alkalising green juice
Morning Kundalini Yoga session with Beth
Lunch: Juice or light plant based lunch – depending on the individual detox programme chosen
Afternoon Workshops: With Lucy Teear – Longevity Health Coach
Education on removing endocrine disrupting chemicals out of your personal care products and a hands-on essential oil make and take workshop.
How the longest lived cultures thrive into old age, disease free and how to implement simple protocols to secure your longevity.
Afternoon Juice
Evening Relaxation – Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Sound Healing
Evening healing potassium vegetable broth
Personal reflection time before bed

Single Occupancy en suite rooms – £750
Single Occupancy NOT en suite rooms – £595
Bed in shared room (twin or triple) en suite – £595 per person
Twin/Double Rooms for 2/ en suite – £1190 for 2 people
£275 deposit to secure a space and the balance will be payable 4 weeks prior to the start of the retreat – August 5th 2022
Payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
*3 nights accommodation
*All sessions
*Juices and Plant based menu
Not Included:-
*Travel Insurance
*Travel to the venue
Payments are non-refundable and non-transferable

For bookings or any queries don’t hesitate to get in touch –
Lucy Teear –
Beth Morgan –

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