Today Is The Start of COP26


� #COP26 Begins Today! @youthstem2030 #STEMForClimateAction Research Conference which took place this weekend!

#ClimateAction through #STEM! �

#YouthSTEMMattersConf #COP26 #GYECC21 #COP26 #TogetherForOurPlanet

Because if we don’t have a future of education  which is modernize and funded for the modern world.
How will the Education of climate change be taught and delivered for the current and next-generation of our nation to be aware of the climate emergency. Because UK education requires funding inclusion not exclusion let’s rhetoric money laundering behaviour. Join  me in The Claudes SEN Law (Link In Bio) for more information.  #soicalmediastorm

Link ~

We require:
• Climate Education. contingency plans to be in place for an artificial intelligent society, still have cash and coins which must remain for personal choice. Instead of heavy dependence on card only society, to enable eco-friendly planes of air travel methods within a climate crisis society which air travel current pollutes our globe.


So it’s time to rebel, not because it’s popular or right, but because it works.

Join us now

#RightToProtest #ExtinctionIsForever #TellTheTruth #FossilFuels #Protest #ClimateJustice #SystemChange not #ClimateChange #climateswim #cop26

Please all also check out #TheClaudesSENLaw ~ (Link In Bio) for more information or even visit @a_claude_2020 @nationalgriduk @cop26uk @stopcambo #stopcambo @coy16.glasgow @cop26uk @youngo.unfccc @friends_earth

#Collabration #NoActionNoPeace #Action #ShareYourStories #InvisibleDisabilities #YouthLead

#enddiscrimination #SENLIVESMATTER

Stay updated with next post in regards to The Claudes SEN Law UK Petition and Campaign. In the next coming days. ✍✊��

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