Ultra Fast Fashion Destroys the Planet & Asian Lives – FESCH.TV


What is Ultra Fast Fashion? It’s a quicker, more exploitive way of making clothes that’s trending right now. Especially on #TikTok. Not only is it destroying the planet, but for Asian women, this method of making clothes to meet Western demand has been called modern day colonialism. Approximately 80% of garment workers are women, mostly 18-24 year olds, from countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Cambodia. The only reason clothes can be this cheap to the Western consumer, who buys sometimes thousands of dollars worth of apparel at a time, is because in Asia someone isn’t making a living wage.

One of many needed reforms is for Western countries with spending power to buy less, and for policies to create safer and equitable working conditions for garment workers. We should think about how we feel about our contribution to this culture when we look back on this era of ultra fast fashion? Will we be proud of the massive consumption?

Host & Producer: Keshia Hannam
Producer: Stephanie Tangkilisan
Researcher: Manal Ahmed
Additional Research: Ella Chi
Editor: So Yun Um
Animator: Fitra Pratama, Annie Zhao
Composer: Fabian Mansur
Sound Mix: David Alba
Graphic Design: Samuel Kang

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