VolumeG2_fast – FESCH.TV

VolumeG2_fast & FESCH.TV:

This is a Volume of The ENCYCLOPEDIA, all of whose Volumes we keep on a shelf in our office here in Nagasaki, and which together serve as a compendium of the results of our investigative research into the UFOs, which has taken the form of a series of instructional videos in various languages that we have prepared for the UFOs, in order to understand what it is that they see.

Each Volume of the ENCYCLOPEDIA contains [approximately] 26 segments, each [perhaps] 26 minutes long. Each segment contains one or more continuing instructional videos, which in the main are presented through movietalking.

In case you a first time viewer, I suggest starting with VOLUMES ABCD. And as for context, here is what I have to say:

I am in Japan.
I am in Nagasaki.
I am a detective.
And a UFO Investigator.
And I am looking for an Invisible Movie.
And this is what I see.
And I would like to ask you…
What do you see?

On the evening of May 23, 1993, a movie called Wax or the Discovery Among the Bees [85:00, 1991] enters through a wire into a hole in the wall where it there enters the Internet, and it is the First Movie On The Internet, for there are no other movies there.

After G1, we enter the tenth clicks of that time, and there we begin again, and in this rebeginning, this movie begins to transform, and in this transformation, VOLUME G Part 2 begins, and so we begin, after such a long delay, to continue our story, here within the 26 DAYS of the cycle of THE TELEPATHIC CINEMA. Hereafter, we will see presented in a similar fashion a variety of other Volumes known as H or I or J or K or L or M or N or O or P or Q or R or S or T or U or V or W or X or Y or Z and also AA or BB or CC or DD or EE or FF or GG or HH or II or JJ, all the way to ZZ, after which we will continue in a similar fashion, until the end of this tiny world. This transformation, here presented, and also all following transformations, are made necessary by the dictates of this Telepathic Cinema, for which we are searching.

For I am looking for an invisible movie. And this is what I see. And I would like to ask, what do you see?

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