WAX Short Fashion Film- Fashion, Film and Media (UFP552)


Wax Short fashion film by Aimee Anita explores conveying the pain and stress caused by common hair removal practices, such as waxing and shaving, as well as the societal pressures and expectations women face which tell them to be smooth and hair-free. Portrays of hairless women are widespread and are often sexualised and deemed beautiful by society. Often the path to get to this hairless state of being is forgotten about, and that’s what Anita wanted to highlight in this 2 minute fashion film. Female body hair still extremely stigmatised; even popular hair removal brands won’t feature models with a single strand of hair even though women having hair is vital for these brands to sell their products in the first place. The lack of representation of women with body hair in our visual culture further perpetuates the idea that women should put themselves through these tedious, and often painful, hair removal rituals just to feel excepted by society.

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