Webinar recording – Using Consumer Location Analytics to grow your business – Ikano Insight


If you’re in retail, hospitality, leisure or any business where location is critical, then you will want to understand how consumer geo-location analysis can benefit you.

This webinar explains the fundamentals for you, and shows useful examples how other businesses have solved challenges and answered strategic questions that they faced.

Learn about Consumer Location Analytics

Watch Kayleigh Pirie and Ashley Patterson of Ikano Insight explain the fundamentals of consumer location analysis:

– How to analyse consumer movement to and from your locations, and also your competitors
– Understanding time of day and day of week footfall patterns
– Seeing daytime and evening locations of consumers
– Identifying demographic groups

And realise the benefits:

– Know where your customers live and work
– Know where they travel and how far
– Know which competitors they visit and how often
– Ultimately understand where the best site for your business is
– Or what you need to do to attract more customers to current sites

If you’d like to know more, just get in touch with us at insight.ikano

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