Where is South Africa going and how should businesses adapt?


The Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll on South Africa, compelling business leaders to come up with the means to deal with the socio-economic and fiscal implications.

The country is currently operating in recovery mode following the recent riots and travel restrictions between many countries.

All eyes will be on Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana on Thursday, November 4, when – in delivering his first mid-term budget policy statement – he will outline the government’s plans to overcome and mitigate the damage the lockdowns have inflicted on the economy.

Covid-19 and South Africa’s subsequent lockdown protocol have had cumulative negative impacts on the small, medium and micro-sized enterprise (SMME) sector. Big and small business owners have had to change their business approach to survive these uncertain times.

In collaboration with Business United, Moneyweb editor Ryk van Niekerk hosted an insightful webinar with Genera Capital investment specialist Dr Adrian Saville and senior research fellow at the Institute for Global Dialogue, Sanusha Naidu.

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