You Are Free | The Gospel, It’s Too Good To Be True – FESCH.TV

You Are Free | The Gospel, It’s Too Good To Be True & FESCH.TV:

I recently found a corner of a rock at the edge of my property. This had happened before and I’d dug up a decent sized rock to use in landscaping around the house. This particular rock proved to be quite difficult to move. As I dug deeper, the rock revealed itself to be more of a boulder in size. What I thought would be a quick project turned into an all day affair that tested my stubbornness. (Hint: I won…sort of)
As Paul opens his letter to the Galatians he addresses a similar situation. The Galatians have found The Rock and heard of Jesus’ Gospel, and in a similar fashion are now adjusting the message of the Good News, the foundation of Christian belief, to incorporate their own efforts in being righteous before God. It’s a lie as old as time, that mankind can do a little better than what God offers, nothing could be further from the Truth!
In this message, we’ll look at Paul’s letter to the Galatians and be encouraged to remain adamant toward The Truth of God’s Good News towards us! If you’d like to read ahead, we’ll be looking at Galatians 1-2. 

Pastor Matt McCarter

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